Saturday, February 19

Who is the Choreographer of Super Junior M's "Too Perfect" Dance?

Well, it's no other than Misha Gabriel Hamilton, a famous choreographer.

Super Junior M's "Too Perfect" dance choreographer is Misha Gabriel Hamilton. He has choreographed Pussycat Dolls Doll Domination World Tour, The Cheetah Girls One World Tour, a Sara Lee/High School Musical 3 commercial, Raven Symone’s “Supernatural” and Dancing With The Stars and co-choreographed a number for Justin Timberlake’s Future Sex Love Show. and the best one is, He was one of MJ’s This Is It dancers.

So what do you expect from their dance?

*Note: Hwang SangHoon, one SM’s choreographers, tweeted the picture above.

Credits to: hydrayuge @ twitter + (gokpop)

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