Tuesday, March 8

110307 Super Junior’s Heechul hurt by fan in Shanghai concert

(Top photo) A fan photo showing Heechul getting hit by the signboard at the concert. (Below) Heechul with a wound on his cheek at Incheon International Airport. (Photos courtesy of t.sina.com.cn/tangbluessj and http://blog.sina.com.cn/parkhaeheeduo)

MANILA, Philippines – There are stalker fans and then there are the foolish and careless ones that throw things at their idols including signboards.

Super Junior member Heechul got a painful first taste of the latter when the boy band held the Super Show 3 Asia concert tour in Shanghai, China last March 5. While the band was singing “Way for Love” during the concert, a fan at the mosh pit threw a board that hit directly Heechul’s face.

Heechul immediately clutched his face with his hand and was clearly hurt. Unable to finish the song, he walked to the backstage. It was reported that Heechul did not return to the stage to finish the concert with other Super Junior members.

Videos uploaded by fans on YouTube showed the entire incident.

The incident was immediately condemned by K-pop fans who described the fan in question as crazy and stupid for wounding Heechul.

Heechul was quoted as saying that the fan who threw the signboard should not be depressed as he knew that she didn’t do it on purpose.

On his Twitter, Heechul appealed to fans not to throw things on stage again, adding that he was not angry.

Photos of Heechul when he arrived at Incheon International Airport showed that he has a wound on the cheek.

Last Jan. 28, Heechul and Leeteuk were involved in a car accident when fans chased their car in Singapore. The two arrived in Singapore for the Super Show 3 concert tour.

The fans tried to get close to the van that was carrying the two Super Junior members. The result was a six-car pileup, an incident where Leeteuk said he “almost got killed”.

Source : www.sup3rjunior.wordpress.com

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